Here are five things people do not get without God:
1. Their individual Responsibility before God
Most people are just trying to get by. They are not thinking about death, or eternity and I think most people are in for a real shock.
2. The whole matter of Suffering
How can there be a God of love is people suffer?
3. The brevity of life, and the reality of eternity.
Life is short and eternities to long to be wrong.
4. The futility of trying to gain God’s favor
Most people think that the way you get to God is to be a good person, and they do not have a clue that that is the wrong path to walk not the narrow. When God opens your eyes to the reality you see the ineffectiveness of trying to earn God’s favor.
5. Most people do not understand the urgency of choosing today.
Most people think there is plenty of time to think about God later. to many times have we been shocked by someone young suddenly been taken from this world? if we ever had a sense of the closeness of eternity we would live life differently.
Statement of Truth:
If we would just catch a glimpse of the reality of our accountability before God we would live life differently.
It is only because God has open your eyes the appreciate life than what God has done for you, and most people do not ever hardly think about it at all. Is God for you?
Without a doubt.
No question!
He has opened our eyes!
To listen to a sermon where brother Steven discusses this listen to Podcast Is God For ME? Part B