Wednesday, October 23, 2019

102719 AM OD Sermon Do Something wk2

Legendary King, but Lousy Legacy
2 Kings 18: 5-8 & 2 Kings 20:19

Hezekiah was a legendaryking

Hezekiah left a lousy legacy

Life Lessons for each of us:

  2. You can squander your legacy when you adulterate your principles.

Statement of Truth:
Our duty is to arm our heirs not aid the enemy!

“Courtesy is due to every man from Christians, but an unholy intimacy that allows a believer to make an unregenerate person his bosom friend is a sin.” 
- Charles Spurgeon

3.     You can squander your legacy abandon your post

Statement of Truth:
There is nothing as certain as death and uncertain as life

Call to Action:
1.  Seek first God's Kingdom
2.  Stand Firm in the Faith

3.  Stay to the Finish!

102019AM ODF Sermon Do Something wk1

Legendary King, but Lousy Legacy
2 Kings 18: 5-8 & 2 Kings 20:19

Hezekiah was a legendaryking

·     He was legendary spiritually
·     He was legendary morally
·     He was legendary militarily
·     He was legendary politically economically
·     He was legendary personally

Point to Ponder:
The judgment of God that had been forestalled because of his personal righteousness was reinstated because of his personal failure.  

Word of Warning:
Even good guys can squander their successes

Hezekiah left a lousylegacy

Life Lessons for each of us:

  1. You can squander your legacy if you feed your sinful self

To Be Continued…

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

072119AM ODF Sermon Refusing wk9

Different When I Depart:  Make A Mark!
1 Thessalonians 1:8-10

Hearers of the Word:

Statement of Truth:
The Thessalonians become receiversof the word of God THEN they become transmittersof the word of God!

The Manifestationof the spreading Gospel
·       A penetratingTrumpet
·       A powerfulTestimony
·       A true Transformation
o     Aconsistentwalk in their lives!

·       A mighty Translation
o   They had a consecratedwitness on their lips

Doers of the Word:

Call To Action:
·       Receive the word but determine to transmit the word.
·       Live your life in such a way, as you could be disqualified in any moment, but by a strength greater than your own you will not be! 

A prayer we should learn to pray:Godhelp my life be that which the Gospel is clearly written that my life might be an epistle known and read of all men.”

080419AM ODF SERMON Refusing wk11

Different when I Depart: To GOD from Idols 
1 Thessalonians 1:8-10

Question: What is an Idol?

An idol is a God substitute

Statement of Truth:
Idols demand an allegiance that is due God alone

An idol is - WORTHLESS

 CONSIDER:  Acts 14:15

Statement of Truth:
Who you turn to is more important than what you turn from

081119AM Josh Loftin

Deep Water Devotion
2 Chronicles  Chapters 14,15 & 16

Theme: Devotion and obedience leads the believer to live life with an unshakeable faith.

 I.  Devotion Leads to Depth - Chapter 14: 1-7

A. Deep water devotion requires intimacy and effort

Life Lesson:  King Asa was growing spiritually mature through discernment, obedience, wisdom and unshakeable faith.

 II. Devotion Leads to Deliverance - Chapter 14: 8-15

A. God is faithful when we rely and are fully devoted to Him.

Life Lesson:  Deep water devotion makes fighting sin easier.

III.  Devotion Leads to Action - Chapter 15

A. Deep water devotion causes a response of obedience

Life Lesson: Living in deep devotion causes us to have reactions like Christ.

Word of Warning from Chapter 16:

Disregarding God leads to Destruction

081819AM ODF Sermon Refusing wk12

Working While We Wait
1 Thessalonians 1: 9-10

Today’s Theme:  The church at Open Door is to be and become a church that serves. 

Focus words in Verse 9: “To Serve the Living and True God”
·       Commitment
·       Contrast

I.               The marvel of the Returnof Christ:
A.     Two Statements:
·Jesus Christ will come forHis Church!  

§  This is the Raptureof the saints

·Jesus Christ will come withHis Church! 
§ This is the Revelationof the saints

B.    ThePurposeof His return
·Five things you can expect:
§ The redemptionof the body
§ We will receive new bodies
§ We shall be like Him
§ He will take us to the homehe has prepared
§ HE will rewardus for our service

C.   The Purityin light of His return

II.            The marvel of the Resurrectionof Christ

III.           The marvel of the Rescue from the coming wrath

082519AM ODF Sermon Refusing wk13

What Wrath?
1 Thessalonians 1: 10

Today’s Theme:  For the believers in Christ to commit to the Christ-like life and live this new life in a contrast to the world while we work, wait and watch for the return of Christ! 

A.     Two Statements:
Jesus Christ will come forHis Church!  
        This is the Raptureof the saints
Jesus Christ will come withHis Church! 
This is the Revelationof the saints

B.The Purposeof His return
Five things you can expect:
1.Theredemptionof the body
2.We will receive new bodies
3.We shall be like Him
4.He will take us to the homehe has prepared
5.HE will rewardus for our service

B.   The Purityin light of His return


A.   He will forgiveyou of your sins
B.   He will come to live in your life and there is a supernaturalpower that guides and leadsand purifies!
C.    When we get saved he rescues us from the wrath of God!

Statement of Truth:

You can’t go to heaven with a FAT FALSEDOCTRINE!