Sunday, March 18, 2018

031818AM ODF Sermon Notes

Jesus is Alive: God Help me See it!
Luke 24:13-34

THEME: Recognition of Jesus only comes when God opens our eyes.  

Point To Ponder:  Only God can open our eyes!  It is not a song, a sermon or a tee-shirt that saves us!  Jesus is risen may we see and do as He leads!
I.  Jesus Christ is Alive
  • He is moving toward those who cannot see him

Question to Consider:  Why did these men walk away unseeing?
1.  It was not because they were not interested
2.  It was not because they did not have all the facts

3.  They walked away because in their sin they were dead

Questions to Consider:
  1. Have you ever tried to force a witnessing moment into a decision moment that God did not honor?   What can we learn from these verses to help us be better witnesses for Him?
  2. What are some other reasons people walk away in blindness?
  3. We are in a war with the god of this world.  What are you doing to engage the enemy in spiritual warfare?
  4. Who is it that God is asking you to move toward as He prepares them to respond?  Will you obey?

Sunday, March 11, 2018

031118AM ODF Sermon Notes

Christ Died For Me
John 19: 1-8

THEME:  For the hearer to know and appreciate that God has done so much to provide the gift of salvation.  

Point To Ponder:  Substitutionary atonement is the heartbeat of the Gospel.  It simply means that Christ died in my place. 

 I.  Jesus Was Tortured As He died for me
A. The Flogging
II.  Jesus Was Mocked as He died for me

Statement of Truth:
The one who appears to have all control,  has no control. 
The one who appears to have
no control has all control.  

III.   Jesus fulfilled prophecy as He suffered for my sin.