Monday, September 29, 2014

100114WED Sermon Notes

When the Glory Goes  {Part A}
Ezekiel Chapter 9

Statement of Truth:
The presence of idols always diminishes the operative power of God’s glory in our life, always

Warning: You can lose the Glory of God
          • It can happen to a nation
          • It can happen to a church
          • It can happen to a home
          • It can happen to an individual

I.  Chapter 9:   The PUNISHING

         A. A faithful REMNANT

         B. The master’s MARK

         C. Judgment begins at GOD’s HOUSE

Statement of Truth:
The greater the responsibility, the more the accountability.

{Looking ahead...}

II.  Chapter 10:  The LINGERING

III.  Chapter 11:  The LEAVING

Friday, September 26, 2014

092814AM Sermon Notes

False Peace
Ephesians 2:11

Statement of Truth:
A tame Christian will not affect this Culture

I. True peace does not come by appeasement,
but true peace only comes by the atonement
Note:  “He is our peace”

II. Peace does not come by negotiation, peace only comes by reconciliation

Statement of Truth:
Anytime we become politically correct we become biblically corrupt

III. Peace does not come by treaties or truces, peace only comes by transformation


The Spirit Filled Life {Part B}
Colossians 3:15-17

Witnesses of a Spirit Filled Life:

I. The PEACE of Christ
         A. The Calling of the Peace of God
         B. The Character of the Peace of God

II. The WORD of Christ
          A. The Residence of the Word of God
          B. The Richness of the Word of God
          C. The word of God produces RESULTS

Living a Lyrical Life
        • Psalm:  Expresses Gods attributes, His qualities, and His characteristics
        • Hymn:  Expressions of praise to God for what HE has done in our life
        • Spiritual Songs:  A spiritual song  emphasizes a testimony!

Statements of Truth:
       • The peace of God is not His provision for my life it is His presence in my life

       • Individuals who have the peace of Jesus Christ ruling in their hearts will live in
                    unity and harmony with one another
       •         If the word of God does not have a welcoming presence in your life there
                     is no way you can welcome the Spirit of God in your life!

       • A testimony does not have to be addressed to God to be directed to God!

       • Everything I do and everywhere I go relates to who I am as a Christian

Sunday, September 21, 2014

092114AM Sermon Notes

Freedom is Not Free
Proverbs 14:34

The exhalation of a nation
·      The greater the character the more freedom given
·      The less the character the less freedom will be given

The humiliation of a nation
·      A lack of righteousness is going to destroy our nation

Statement of Truth:
Government will take every inch of ground that we give it, and it grow in direct proportions to the weakness of the character of the people!

The rejuvenation of a nation

·       Our nation was born in revival and it will be sustained in revival

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

092414WED Sermon Notes

The Pictures in Your Mind
Ezekiel 8

I.                    Spiritual Abominations
God is dealing with IDOLS

God desires and demands that he be absolutely number one in your life.

II.              PERSONAL Abominations
                        God is dealing with IMAGES
·  A Secret Place

·  A Sordid Place

III.            Social Abominations
God is dealing with IMMORALITY
Statement of Truth:
We can grow in grace, but you can also descend into deeper and deeper depravity.

IV.            National Abominations
God is dealing with INSUBORDINATION

Call to Action:

·  Purge Yourselves

Sunday, September 14, 2014


I just finished a four part sermon series on giving.  I could keep going but I  will not for now.  

So, I decided to write a few things down, for those of you who read through my rambling thoughts.

I want to think with me about Philippians 4 verse 19.

Note first “MY GOD”   This Promise is PERSONAL!    "My God"    This speaks to me concerning a personal relationship.     You see the reality is clear: You need a personal relationship with Jesus!  That is first and foremost- that is #1   - Jesus desires to have a personal relationship with you! 

#2  Notice  “Shall supply” this verse is personal and this verse is POSITIVE!   Shall supply means to fill up something that is empty!  When the Philippians gave  they supplied a need for Paul.  You can read about this in 2 Corthians 8 & 9.  When they gave there was nothing left!    God says I’m going to make you a promise - When You give like that I will fill up your emptiness, and he did! 

#3 The Promise is POINTED!  “all your needs”  He did not just say in some way I’ll bless you – no he said In all your needs!    He pointed right there to their life and said I can more than meet this!    By the way God knows what your need is today before you need it!  Sometimes  we tell God, "God I better hold on to this, or  I’m going to need it!"  "you know God,  A cloudy day may come!"  Who is in charge of the weather for heavens sake?  

#4 The promise is PLENTIFUL!    “according to his riches” it does not say simply out of his riches- but according to his riches  -  if  he took it out of something he had he would have less left -  but according to means he has resources that are inexhaustible  -  In all of time God still has as much right Know as when the world began!   If Bill gates gives a million he has a million less but if God gives something away he still has the same as he did in the beginning!

Paul does not simply see this gift coming from Philippi but a gift from God!   Three people are blessed when the Holy Spirit prompts you to give! 

1.  The giver - Giving brings blessing to those who give
2.  The getter - the person who receives a gift is blessed
3.  God – the kingdom of god is blessed by your obedience!

Just a few thoughts, that would have been a 5th sermon...  

091414PM Sermon Notes

The Spirit Filled Life    {Part A}
Colossians 3: 15-16

Question for Consideration:
What are some evidences of a Spirit Filled Life?

  • The Peace of Christ

    • Three questions concerning peace:
      • Q1?   What is Peace?
        • An attitude of rest & security

      • Q2?  How does one receive Peace?
        • Receive Jesus, and receive peace!

      • Q3?  What does Peace do for me?
        • It is found  ruling and leading my life

    • Two words about peace:
      • Calling us to live in unity
      • The Character of Gods peace is thankfulness

Statement of Truth:
The peace of God is not His provision for my life it is His presence in my life!

Call to Action:
  • The word of God is to be affectionately received in my life

  • The word of God is to be passionately applied to my life


I am preaching today from Proverbs and talking about confronting culture.   However, this truth rings loud and clear:  If we are going to confront culture, we must frist do battle in our own lives.  
James the half brother of Jesus warns us in chapter 1:15 “Then, after desire {Lust} has conceived, it gives birth to sin; and sin, when it is full-grown, gives birth to death.”

So, here is what James says:  Lust leads to sin, and sin leads to Death.  L.S.D.  LUST, SIN, & DEATH!  The devil knows if he can get you to think wrong, he can get you to sin, and if he can get you to sin he as you and it is a form of spiritual death! 

Like a drug addict, we want more and more LSD.  

I do not know about you, but sin has a grip that does not want to let go.  As you and I well know sins control can be overwhelming.  Yet, thanks belongs to God because it does not have to be overpowering.  There is a greater power:  A God given power.

Is this not the reason Solomon said, “Son with all diligence keep your heart pure!”  WHY?  Was the question that could be heard in response from the son?  And the father said, “Because out of our heart comes all the issues of life."

The wonderful reality is this:  God wants us to have life and not death!   How do I know?

Christ said, “ I have come that you might have life and that you might have it more abundantly.”

Let us learn to think pure thoughts.  So that purity is conceived, and when purity is conceived, life is given birth too. 

For more on this subject download and listen to the sermon series Confronting Culture, sermon title: Guarding Your Heart.