Sunday, September 14, 2014


I am preaching today from Proverbs and talking about confronting culture.   However, this truth rings loud and clear:  If we are going to confront culture, we must frist do battle in our own lives.  
James the half brother of Jesus warns us in chapter 1:15 “Then, after desire {Lust} has conceived, it gives birth to sin; and sin, when it is full-grown, gives birth to death.”

So, here is what James says:  Lust leads to sin, and sin leads to Death.  L.S.D.  LUST, SIN, & DEATH!  The devil knows if he can get you to think wrong, he can get you to sin, and if he can get you to sin he as you and it is a form of spiritual death! 

Like a drug addict, we want more and more LSD.  

I do not know about you, but sin has a grip that does not want to let go.  As you and I well know sins control can be overwhelming.  Yet, thanks belongs to God because it does not have to be overpowering.  There is a greater power:  A God given power.

Is this not the reason Solomon said, “Son with all diligence keep your heart pure!”  WHY?  Was the question that could be heard in response from the son?  And the father said, “Because out of our heart comes all the issues of life."

The wonderful reality is this:  God wants us to have life and not death!   How do I know?

Christ said, “ I have come that you might have life and that you might have it more abundantly.”

Let us learn to think pure thoughts.  So that purity is conceived, and when purity is conceived, life is given birth too. 

For more on this subject download and listen to the sermon series Confronting Culture, sermon title: Guarding Your Heart.

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