Sunday, February 22, 2015

022215AM Sermon Notes

Everyday Engagement {Part A}
Ephesians 6:10-11

I.               We  are involved in a war of intense fury
·      Questions to Consider:
o   First, Who is our battle with?

Statement of truth:
Our battle is not with other people

o   Second, What are the rules of engagement?
o   Third, Where is the battle fought?

II.              The Enemy is Scheming to Knock us down

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Rivers and Fountains that Heal

I just finished up a study on the Book of Ezekiel.  It took me more than 20 weeks and preaching about 45 minutes a sermon to accomplish that task.  It was not even a chapter by chapter study.  

I say that to say this:  The word of God is rich and deep and there is so much to be learned and gleaned from the study of the scriptures.

We have learned so much from Ezekiel.  We have found that this ancient book is not out dated, nor is it dry ink on white pages.

It has so much to say to us today, right here, right now!    I speaks to our nation as it did to the nation of God 100's of years ago.    It not only gives us a great look back, but it forces us to look at today.  Our attitudes and assumptions as a people of God today concerning the times we face and live in.  However Ezekiel brings to us as it did the nation of God great hope for the future.

There is hope for deliverance, Hope for the hurt, and a promise that God will restore.  That restoration is great, and grand and glorious.   

As I was studying this book it led me to study several more...   I would encourage you to study Zechariah 13.   There is a fountain mentioned there.    In the closing chapters of Ezekiel, we read about a river.  A river that brings life, healing and transformation.  Is the fountain in Zechariah another fountain of water? {I do not personally think so.}  While it is true, we are not told what kind of fountain it is. 
I do have a guess:

“There is a fountain filled with blood, drawn from Emanuel’s veins. And sinners plunge beneath that flood, lose all their guilty stains. Oh, precious is the flow that makes me white as snow. No other fount I know, nothing but the blood of Jesus.

Could there be a fountain, a red river of redemption present during the millennium?  Reminding believers and teaching others about the flow of redemption from Calvary’s Hill?

If you missed the sermons from Ezekiel, check out my podcast in iTunes:

or download my ministry app:


021815WED Sermon Notes

Where the Healing Waters Flow
Ezekiel 47-48

Theme:  As a follower of Jesus we need to come to the springs of life, and enjoy the depths of its riches.


         A.  A Living Water

                   1. God is the Source

                   2.  The Size of the river

         B.  A Nourishing River

II.  The Holy Site

Sunday, February 15, 2015

0215115PM Sermon Notes

Ephesians 4:17-24

You are to be everything the Lord desires and empowers you to be

I.  Paul’s Contrast

Word of Warning:
That which we compromise to do in moderation during this generation we will find in excess in the next generation

·      From principle to practice
·      From position to patterns

II. Paul’s Exhortation
·      The Appeal to Stop
·      The Appeal to avoid Aimless living

Statement of Truth:
Never forget:  Satan would rather get you to think wrong than to do wrong

Other Scripture Referenced:

Philippians 3:14; Ephesians 2:1-2; 1 Thessalonians 4:5; 1 Peter 4:2-3

021515AM Sermon Notes

Are you Ready for Battle?  {Part B}
Ephesians 6:10-17

Rightly Understanding the Armor of God

Life Lesson:  We are to put on truth as a protection against hypocrisy

Life Lesson:  We are to put on righteousness as protection against condemnation

Life Lesson:  Boldness is protection against complacency

Statement of Truth:
If you can't pick the fruit don't bruise it

Life Lesson:  Faith is the greatest protection against damaging emotion

Arrows The Enemy Uses:
Arrow Number 1:         Doubt
Arrow Number 2:        Discouragement
Arrow Number 3:        Despair

V.   The Helmet of Salvation
Life Lesson:  Salvation is the ultimate promise of victory

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

021115WED Sermon Notes

The Millennial Sacrifices
Ezekiel 43:13-44:31

Question for Consideration:
What is going to be the purpose of this temple?

I.  The preparations for the sacrifices
Note:  This altar in the millennial temple is going to be  
             known as “The Lion of God”

II. The personalities of these sacrifices
            Question:  Who is the prince?
A.    Not Jesus Christ
B.    Not King David

III. The purposes for the sacrifices
A.    No Laver
B.    No Lamp Stand
C.    No Showbread
D.    No Veil
E.     No Mercy seat
F.     No Ark of the Covenant

What is the Purpose of the temple sacrifices?
These sacrifices will be used as teaching tools

Other Scripture Referenced:

Isaiah 2:2-3; Hebrews 10:18;  and Jeremiah 3