Thursday, September 17, 2020

 The Future Tribulation

Mark 13:3-23 + Revelation 6, 8, 9, 11, & 16

Today’s Theme: Today as we study the Tribulation, Jesus gives a view of future history and John gives us great detail.  These are certainly days of trembling for those who will endure.

Statement of Truth:  

The Bible always corresponds to reality.

Three Sequences That John Saw:

  • The Seven Seals {Revelation Chapter 6 & 8}
  • Verse 2:
  • Verse 3:
  • Verse 5:
  • Verse 7:
  • Verse 9:
  • Verse 12:
  • Chapter 8:1:
  • The Seven Trumpets {Revelation Chapter  8, 9 & 11)
  1. Verse 7:
  2. Verse 8:
  3. Verse 10:
  4. Verse 12:
  5. Chapter 9:1:
  6. Verse 13:
  7. Chapter 11 Verse 15
  • The Seven Bowls {Revelation 16}
  1. Verse 2:
  2. Verse 3:
  3. Verse 4:
  4. Verse 8:
  5. Verse 10:
  6. Verse 12
  7. Verse 17:

Dive Deeper:   {For Personal Study}

One question every Bible student must decide is if these judgements found in Revelation are literal judgements?   You must decide that for yourself.  Clearly, I have my opinions. 

Question to Consider:

Are the judgments in Revelation literal judgements? 

The best way to decide if these judgements are literal or symbolic is to study them in connection with the plagues of Egypt.  {see Exodus 1-11}  There we see Moses performing the symbolic act of waving his rod over the waters of Egypt, which physically turn to blood.  In Revelation we see angels performing symbolic acts of blowing trumpets, and pouring out bowls.  Why should the result on the earth be less physical than the events in Moses’ day?  Note: also five of the plagues of Egypt are repeated in the book of Revelation.   No one suggests what happened in Egypt was not literal in its judgment; I suggest we can conclude that the same thing applies during the tribulation.

Sunday, September 13, 2020

091320AM ODF Sermon Notes Tribulation Trouble

Tribulation Trouble

Matthew 24:1-14 + Revelation 6

Today’s Theme: Today we will begin to study the seven year Tribulation. We will look at tribulation preachers, the worst day on earth, and a terrible time of trembling. 

A Real Reality: 

The world is not getting better.  Quite the opposite is true: The world is more scary, more dangerous,  and more hopeless.

Question: Why Study The Second Coming?

      God has recorded it for us in his eternal perfect word and we have a responsibility to study it.

  • It should make us Grateful 

  • It should make us Prayerful

  • It should make us Careful

Jacob’s Trouble:

Under the inspiration of God, the ancient prophet Jeremiah spoke of “the time of Jacob’s trouble” (Jeremiah 30:7).

Note:  Even though Jacob’s descendants will face severe punishment in “the time of Jacob’s trouble,” they will eventually repent and be restored.  Still, during the tribulation the Antichrist will be the one to bring the greatest amount of pain, to the Jewish nation.  He will slaughter more than Hitler ever thought about.  

Dive Deeper:   {For Personal Study}

The Olivet Discourse is one of the most complete outlines of prophecy in all of Scripture.   Jesus put all this information together so that we could see and understand the times.  With that in mind, compare His words with the vision John had in Revelation chapter 6.  I encourage you to lay the signs that Jesus gave over the seals that John describes, there is in my opinion a great harmony that exist here.   

Jesus said very clearly,  be careful that no one deceives you. {Matthew 24:4}. As John sees the scroll being opened and the seal broken he begins to see a white horse, whose rider carries a bow {without arrows} symbolizing someone bringing a false peace to the world. He is a deceiver, the one claiming, “I am the Messiah.”

In Matthew 24 verse 6 Jesus talked about wars and rumors of wars.   As you read the second seal in Revelation chapter 6 you see a red horse, symbolizing war.  The false peace will be broken by a time of bloodshed and war, just as Jesus predicted.

In Matthew 24 verse 7, Jesus talked about famines, pestilences and earthquakes.  As John is shown the third seal,  he sees a man on a black horse holding balances in his hand.  He symbolizes famine, weighing money for grain.

There is no doubt the earthquakes, famines, and pestilences that Jesus spoke about in Matthew will bring about death upon the earth.  As John sees the fourth seal he sees a pale horse whose name is death.  During the tribulation people will die in vast numbers due to the wars, the famine, the disease, and the natural disasters.  All the things Jesus prophesied are all the things confirmed in John’s vision.  Spend some time this week comparing Matthew 24 and Revelation chapter 6;  it really is worth your personal study. 

Sunday, September 6, 2020

090620 odf Sermon notes - second coming signs

 Second Coming Signs 

Matthew 24:1-10

Today’s Theme: The Bible, and the New Testament, in particular, are filled with signs for the second coming.  The signs are present in our lifetime and we should expect to see a greater and greater shadow of their effects.  

Point to Ponder:

Our responsibility regardless of how bad it is or becomes, is to be faithful.  Our calling is to be ready, watching, and working.

Our commission is to go into the entire world and tell of the TRUTH, the Way and the LIFE!  

Statement of Truth:

One day, when the curtain is drawn and the lights go out, those that played a role in the world drama  will give an account.





Dive Deeper:   {For Personal Study}

The Olivet Discourse is centered on answering three questions asked of Jesus.  Jesus answers over chapter 24 and 25 provide perhaps the most comprehensive prophetic truth in the New Testament.

Warnings of deception are found throughout scripture. Read these passages:

  1 Corinthians 15:33;  Galatians 6:7; Ephesians 5:6; Colossians 2:4;  1 John 1:8

1.  What warnings are given concerning deception?

2. What kinds of deceptions can we expect?

3.  How might a Christian deceive himself? 

4.  What is the best way for a follower of Christ – who is approaching the end of the age – not to be deceived by what he hears and sees?