Sunday, July 24, 2016

Living With Eternity On My Mind

Living With Eternity On My Mind
1 Corinthians 3:10-15

Theme:  The believer is to think seriously about investing his or her life in the things that matter. Let each one strive to ensure that the life lived is pleasing to the Lord!
  THIS CHALLENGES ME:  Be a  ____________ Worker! 
  •     The word “master builder” (wise builder) – means builders and designers; a combination of architect and general contractor.

  •       God’s kingdom is built on Jesus Christ and every individual life (each man) that pleases God must carefully build on that foundation. 
  1.   THIS CLARIFIES THINGS FOR ME: Use __________ Materials!  
  •          Give Him your best.  Those first 3 materials {v12} are equally valuable. There is no grading.  Things with different functions can be equally precious

  • The materials represent believers responses to what they have, how well they serve the Lord with what He has given them.
         III.   THIS ADDS CONTEXT FOR ME: The ___________ 

  •        Inspections can be intimidating, but do not be too afraid of that day.  We have a good God who has loved us and will be good to us.   He has good things he desires to bestow upon us.  We should fear more our disobedience in this day than the inspection of that day. Doing Good today will provide confidence that we can stand before God unashamed.  

Sunday, July 17, 2016

Eternity in View

I.          THIS CHALLENGES ME   v10-11

A.            As A Wise Worker
B.            As To A Wonderful Foundation


Statement of Truth:
To be generous you do not have to be rich, you just have to be generous.

A.            The Inspection   v13
B.            Our Goal:  Fruit that remains

C.             The danger: Fruit that perishes

Freedom is Not Free

Freedom is Not Free
Proverbs 14:34

Theme:  W
e know that our nation faces major struggles.  Today, I  will suggest that we have lost our character as a nation and rather than depending upon God we think that Uncle Sam has the answer.  This government does not, however God does.
  1.   The Exultation of a nation

    ï    The Greater the character the more freedom given

         •    The Less   the character the less freedom will be given

      II.   The Humiliation of a nation 
     • A lack of righteousness  is going to destroy our nation 

       III.   The Rejuvenation of a nation 

     ï Our nation was born in revival and it will be sustained in revival

Statement of Truth: 
Government will take every inch of ground that we give it, and it grow in direct proportions to the weakness of the character of the people!