Monday, May 7, 2018

080518AM ODF Battle wk10

Victory is Secure
Ephesians 1:15-23

I.              Victory is ahead if I'm in Christ

Two Test:
1.     Is my faith in the Lord?
2.    Do I posses love for all the Saints?

II.             Victory is appliedas I comprehend Christ

Wisdom Through Two Ways: 
1.      Through intellect
2.     Through experience

III.           Victory Is securedby the Great Power of Christ

Power is evidenced:
1.     Power over death
2.    Power to exaltwhat the world ridiculed
3.    Power of conquerspiritual forces
4.    Power to keep the victory won
5.    Power to put allthingsin place

072918AM ODF Battle WK9

My Victory is Indisputable    
Ephesians 1:15

Theme:  My Victory is Assured!

Two Questions for Consideration:
1.     Whoare the people for whom this victory belongs?
2.    Howcan I lay hold of this in such a way that it will change my life?

Victory is AheadWhen:
1.     Your faithis in Jesus Christ
2.    You have a lovefor the Lord's people

Life Lesson:  Victory is ahead when I am in Christ!

Victory is AppliedWhen:
1.     Wisdom Comes ThroughIntellect
a.    A spirit of wisdom
b.   Gaining wisdom through revelation

2.    Knowledge Comes Through Experience
a.    Open my eyesto knowledge through experience
b.   I know the hope

Life Lesson:  Victory is applied as I comprehend Christ

071518AM ODF Battle Wk7

Understanding The Evil One
Various Selected Text

Six Questions Concerning Satan:

Question One:  How can the temptation of Jesus be real if he could not sin?

Question Two:  Can a Christian be demon possessed?

Statement of Truth:
The question of demon possession is less about location and it is more about influence.

Life Lesson:  
While Satan cannot control anything against my will, he will influence our lives to the extent in which we offer ourselves to unrighteousness.

To Be Continued...

Selected Text:
1 John 3:5; 1 Peter 2:22; 2 Corinthians 5:21; Mark 1:24; Luke 4:34;
John 6:67; 2 Corinthians 5:21; Hebrews 4:15; Hebrews 2:18;
1 Corinthians 10:13;  Romans 6:11-16;  Ephesians 4:27; 
2 Timothy 2:26; 1 Timothy 4:1; 
Hebrews 10:26; James 4:7

070818Am ODF Battle wk 6

I Am In this Battle to Win This Battle
2 Corinthians 10:3-5


·     The Fortresses of EVOLUTION

·     The Fortresses of EGALITARIANISM

·     The Fortresses of ECONOMICS

·     The Fortresses of EXPERIENCE

·     The Fortresses of EGO

Two Truth’s Today:

I.              The battle is won when truth displaces deception

II.             We are not alone in the battle

072218AM ODF Battle wk8

Questions Concerning Satan  
Job 23:10

Six Questions Concerning Satan:

Question Number One:  How can the temptation of Jesus be real if he could not sin?

Question Number Two:  Can a Christian be demon possessed?

Question Number Three:  When is it appropriate for a believer to bind a demon or to cast it out?

Five False Approaches
1.     Find it and Bind it
2.    When in doubtcast it out
3.    Hocus-pocus there is no focus
4.    Violence
5.    Territorial spirits

Question Number Four:  What is the relationship between demonic activity and sickness?

Question Number Five:  What is the role of Angels in Spiritual warfare?

Question Number Six:  What is the Key to Victory?

062418AM ODF Battle wk5

The Battle Can Be Won
2 Corinthians 10:3-5


We must have the rightweapons:

·     These weapons must be divine

·     These weapons are divinely powerful

The battle is fought in our minds

061718AM ODF Battle wk4

Everyday Engagement {Part B}
Ephesians 6:10-11

I.              We  are involved in a war of intense fury

II.             The Enemy is Schemingto Knocks down

The General Approach of the Enemy:

1.      Disguise

a.     He makes little things big
b.    He makes big things little
c.     He gets us to carry tomorrow today
d.    He gets us to carry yesterday today
e.     He gets us to ignore God's word 

2.     Divide

3.     Destroy