Thursday, December 28, 2017

Much More Sermon Notes 12-31-17 ODF

Hearers of the Word...

Much More Week 1
Romans 5:9-10

Statement of Truth:
Life is not a destination, but life is a journey!

Theme:  For everyone to understand that there is much more that God desires to do with our lives and for our lives.  He does not want to simply save us from Hell but God wants to prepare us for heaven.  

The 3 Tenses of Salvation:
         1.   Salvation Past: Justification

         2.   Salvation Present: Sanctification

         3.   Salvation Future: Glorification

Statements of Truth:
            ·  We were not made to be wilderness dwellers


Doers of the Word...

1.      Are you living in spiritual freedom?  If not what needs to happen or change in this New Year to ensure the freedom God desires to give you?

2.     Are you living in spiritual victory? Paul speaks often about “Life in the Spirit” In this chapter Paul speaks of justification.   It has been called a great pearl of our faith.  In chapter 8 we see the last great pearl:  The promise of no condemnation.  What other strings of pearls do you read and want God to add to your life?

3.     What really matters?

4.     Do you desire Much More?

Sunday, December 24, 2017

The Messiah That Came 12-24-17 AM NOTES

The Messiah That Came:  The Shepherds and Angels
Luke 2:8-20

The Shepherds:
              ·      Who they were
o   They were the first to hear
o   Society considered them unclean

Statement of Truth:
The Shepherds teach us that no matter who we are, or what we have done we need a Saviour

              ·      What they did
o   They dropped everything
o   They worshipped
o   They witnessed

Wednesday, December 13, 2017

SERMON NOTES 12-13-17WED What Are We To Do? {Part C}

What Are We To Do? {Part C}
Psalm 11: 1-7

Theme:  if the foundations of our culture are destroyed, and they are, the believer should build his or her life upon the principles of God’s word.
Question:  If the foundations are destroyed, what can the righteous do?  Psalm 11:3

What Are we Supposed to Do?

  1. We are not supposed to ____________.  {verse 1}
  2. We are not to ____________.   {Verse 2}
  3. ____________.  {Go Back to the foundations}
The Answer: In times of moral decline strengthen your foundation in the Lord!   If you Build on the rock you need not worry.  V1 & V7

ESV Matthew 7:25 And the rain fell, and the floods came, and the winds blew and beat on that house, but it did not fall, because it had been founded on the rock.

The Messiah that Came to Bethlehem

The Messiah that Came to Bethlehem
Passages from Luke & Matthew’s Gospel

Theme:  May each of us remove the clutter, distractions, and busyness from the season to think more about His presence and less about the presents. 

Three types of people today:
            ·      Those who do not see the gift – Bethlehem
            ·      Those who say, “I don’t need the gift” – Joseph
            ·      Those who say, “I see the gift, but I don’t deserve it”  - Mary

Bethlehem reminds us:
            ·      God has chosen the foolish things of this world to confound the wise
            ·      It does not take a big place to do big things, it only takes a big God
            ·      We are to busy and distracted
            ·      That our lives are over crowded
Joseph reminds us:
           ·      We may not know what we need, but God does
            ·      Obedience is better than understanding

Mary reminds us:
         Even when we don’t deserve the gift, God still offers it to us

Friday, December 8, 2017

The Prophets 11-10-17AM Sermon Notes

The Messiah that Came: The Prophets 
Isaiah 9:2-7

The Prophets remind us:

What God promised, He will fulfill


Christmas will forever remind us that God will do what He said He will do!  

There is Hope

Statement of Truth:
This son that is given will change everything!  

The wait is over

Sermon Summary:
o matter how dark your world is and no matter  what has turned your lights off in your journey of faith, if you will listen to a prophet named Isaiah, he says that a light has dawned!   He teaches us that this light has shined into the darkest places of our soul, and the wait is over!  Yes, there  is Hope for our God who is in full control keeps His promises! 

Questions to Consider:
  1. Do you remember waiting as a child for Christmas?  What was the hardest part of waiting?
  2. What promise of God do you hold on to that brings you great comfort?
  3. What do you do when you are tempted to allow the lights to go out in your faith journey?
  4. There are a lot of people walking around Red River Perish with the lights of faith dimmed.  Will you see people as Jesus sees them? What can you do to serve them as He would serve them?
  5. What Gift of grace do you need to receive?

Wednesday, November 29, 2017

11-26-17 AM Sermon Notes

Revive Us, Oh Lord
Hosea 6:1-4

For the follower of Christ to accept the invitation to come to the Lord fresh and new.

Statement of Truth:
Hosea's faithful love for his unfaithful wife became a prophetic picture of God's love for His unfaithful people.

Revival is a Real Possibility:

I. The invitation to Revival
  • To Have a Crisis of Belief:
    • Recognition of a problem
    • Repentance from the problem 
    • Returning to the Lord 

II. The heartfelt pursuit of the knowledge of the Lord
  1. A growing knowledge of facts about God
  2. A heart understanding about those facts
  3. A  real experience with God  
  4. An abundance of Blessing from God

III. The Pathway to Revival
1. From pain to purpose
2. God’s Goodness cannot be forgotten

Statement of Truth:
God wants His purpose in your pain

On your own read and study the following passages:

Colossians 2:6-6;  Exodus 5:2; Habakkuk 2:!4; Isaiah 11:9; Acts 17 

11-29-17 WED Sermon Notes

Revive Us, Oh Lord
Hosea 6:1-4

For the follower of Christ to accept the invitation to come to the Lord fresh and new.

Statement of Truth:
Hosea's faithful love for his unfaithful wife became a prophetic picture of God's love for His unfaithful people.

Revival is a Real Possibility:

I. The invitation to Revival
  • To Have a Crisis of Belief:
    • Recognition of a problem
    • Repentance from the problem 
    • Returning to the Lord 

II. The heartfelt pursuit of the knowledge of the Lord
  1. A growing knowledge of facts about God
  2. A heart understanding about those facts
  3. A  real experience with God  
  4. An abundance of Blessing from God
Statement of Truth:
Sometimes what we are doing and refuse to stop doing keeps us from returning to the Lord! 

III. The Pathway to Revival
1. From pain to purpose
2. God’s Goodness cannot be forgotten

Statement of Truth:
God wants His purpose in your pain

On your own read and study the following passages:

Colossians 2:6-6;  Exodus 5:2; Habakkuk 2:!4; Isaiah 11:9; Acts 17 

Questions to Consider:
1. When you are given an Invitation how do you normally respond?

2. Is there an attitude, or behavior that you are holding onto that is keeping you from revival?

3. When was the last time you had a crisis spiritually?

4.  How much do you know about the Lord?  {That is not near enough}

5. In order to experience revival are you willing to respond to the call for intentional pursuit?