Sunday, April 22, 2018


God’s Money: Use it Effectively
Luke 16:1-13

Theme: Jesus wants to save your soul, but he wants to save your finances too.  Do your finances need a dramatic overhaul?  Let’s learn to use God’s money effectively.

 Life Lesson:God wants you to be shrewd.  What we learn is this:  God expects you to be shrewd. Even if you make mistakes, do things wrong, or have regrets, there is hope!

A Brief Explanation of the Text

To use money effectively:
I.        Value what you have, don’t waste it.

Verse 3 Key words:  “What shall I do?”

Keynote:  Some of us have made mistakes, our next decision is very important.  What follows next has the potential to redefine us. 

Statement of Truth:
All you need to get where you are going is to utilize what you already have.  

To be continued...

Sunday, April 15, 2018

04-15-18AM ODF Sermon Notes

God’s Money: How Do We Earn it?
Proverbs 13:11 + 1 Thessalonian 2:9 + 1 Timothy 5:17

Theme: Honest, hard work for fair compensation assures that God will provide your needs.

Questions for Consideration:  

·      What does it mean to earn it honestly?

Statement of Truth:
God is incredibly interested in how you gotwhat you got.

·     What does it mean to workhard?
·     What is fair compensation?

Honest work assuresGod’s provision

You cannot work too hardbut you can work toomuch.

Wednesday, April 11, 2018

041118WED ODF Sermon Notes

God’s Money: View it Vertically  B   
Matthew 27:57-60 + 1 Corinthians 4:2 

THEME:For the hearer to view money vertically for money is a test, a testimony and a tool. 

Statement of Truth:
Our money is not our money.  It is God’s money entrusted to us.  In Our hands only for a time and one day we will give an account!

I.           Money is a Test

Biblical Example:  Judas

Money will test your:
         •              Loyalty
         •              Allegiance
         •              Heart

II.  Money is Testimony  

Biblical Example:  Joseph of Arimathea

Keynote:  Instead  of Joseph using what he bought to benefit himself he gave up his personal desire to benefit the kingdom.  

II.  Money is Tool  

Biblical word:  Stewardship 

ESV 1Corinthians 4:2Moreover, it is required of stewards that they be found trustworthy.

Questions to Consider:
·   Inthe past how have you viewed money?  In what ways moving forward do you think God is asking you to view money differently?

·  Of the five test of money what area do you most struggle with and why?

·  What testimony are you giving to your family and others regarding how you view money?

·  Are you willing to lay down something you bought for yourself in order that the kingdom might be advanced?

Thursday, April 5, 2018


God’s Money: View Money Vertically
Matthew 26:14-16

Theme: For the hearer to understand that the thickness of your wallet is not an indication of your financial health.  Both poverty and prosperity could be sings of bondage.  We must view money vertically for it is a test, a testimony and a tool. 

Revival Reality:  Money Is A Test

Life Lesson:
Money is a test; it is what you do with it that matters.

Statement of Truth:
Almost everything that happens in our lives flows from how we view money.

Biblical illustration from a life of Judas
John 12:3-6

Statement of Truth:
Money is not our problem.  The problem lies in how we view money.

Five areas Money will test us:
            1.      Money is a test of your work ethic
            2.     Money is a test of your self-control
            3.     Money is a test of your integrity
            4.     Money is a test of your love for people
            5.     Money is a test of your love for God

To be Continued...  {Join us Wednesday Night at 6:00 PM}

Questions to Consider:
·      How many people have spent their lives acquiring the things that they came to despise?

·      How many people have awakened in despair because they realize they have lost what they really needed in order that they might gain what they thought they had to have?


No Greater love: Great Hope
1 Thessalonians 4:13-18

THEME:  The promises of Jesus are real.  Jesus Christ has promised to return this is the great hope of every Christian!

Point To Ponder:  Jesus Christ is coming again!


Paul said it is okay to grieve,  it is not unlawful or sinful  to experience sorrow.
  • They sleep in Jesus
  • They will be raised up from dead and awakened out of their sleep, for God will bring them with Him.



     Five things to Look for:
1.  We should look for our Saviour.  
2.  We should look for His return in the sky.  
3.  We should look for a sudden return.
4.  We should look for a social event.
5.  We should look for a settled day.


Jesus is Alive: Can You See it?
Luke 24:13-34

THEME: For the hearer to act upon the burning deep within, that we might testify to the risen Saviour!

Point To Ponder:  Only God can open our eyes!  It is not a song, a sermon or a tee-shirt that saves us!  Jesus is risen may we see and do as He leads!

I.  Jesus Christ is Alive:
He is moving toward those who cannot see him

Question to Consider:
Why did these men walk away unseeing?
1.  It was not because they were not interested
2.  It was not because they did not have all the facts
3.  They walked away because in their sin they were dead
4.  They walked aways because their hopes had been crushed

II.  Jesus Christ is Alive:
He is proving himself to those who won’t see it

Statement of Truth:
In physical seeing you get higher to see more.  However in spiritual seeing you get lower to see more.

Questions to Consider:
1.  Can you see what God sees?
2.  What are your burning passions?  Are you using them in the kingdom work?
3.  If you believe Christ has risen are you giving testimony?
4.  How can you respond daily to the truth that God gives you?

Own Your Own:
This week study the following passages referenced today:

Luke 24:6-8;  2 Corinthians 4:4; 1 Corinthians 2:14;  Ephesians 2:1 & 4-5