Hearers of the Word…
The Spirit Filled Life {Part B}
Colossians 3: 15-16
Theme: There are biblical witnesses of a Spirit Filled Life that
we can evaluate and take comfort in.
I. The Peace of Christ
Two characteristics concerning peace:
1. God’s peace is Calling us to live in unity
2. The Character of God’s peace is thankfulness
II. The Word of Christ
Three characteristics concerning scripture:
1. The Residence of the Word of God!
2. The Richness of the Word of God
3. The word of God produces RESULTS
Remember: The peace of God is not His provision
for my life it is His presence in my life!
Doers of the Word…
Call to Action:
I. The word of God is to be affectionately received in my life
II. The word of God is to be passionately applied to my life
Questions to Consider:
1. In what ways do you try and separate the scared from the secular?
2. What evidences of a Spirit filled life does your life manifest?
3. Is the Peace of God ruling and leading your life?
4. Is our church united as one body in peace? What ways can we move closer to what God desires?
On your own read and study the following passages:
Philippians 4:6-7; Romans 5:1; Ephesians 2:14; John 14:27; 1 Corinthians 6:17