Wednesday, July 10, 2019

072119AM ODF Sermon Notes Make A Mark

Different When I Depart:  Make A Mark!
1 Thessalonians 1:8-10

Hearers of the Word:

Statement of Truth:
The Thessalonians become receiversof the word of God THEN they become transmittersof the word of God!

The Manifestationof the spreading Gospel
·       A penetrating Trumpet
·       A powerfulTestimony
·       A true Transformation
o     Aconsistentwalk in their lives!

·       A mighty Translation
o   They had a consecratedwitness on their lips

Doers of the Word:

Call To Action:
·       Receive the word but determine to transmit the word.
·       Live your life in such a way, as you could be disqualified in any moment, but by a strength greater than your own you will not be! 

A prayer we should learn to pray:Godhelp my life be that which the Gospel is clearly written that my life might be an epistle known and read of all men.”

Tuesday, July 2, 2019

ODF Sermon Notes 070719 Our Focus

Different When I Depart: Focusing on our Potential
1 Thessalonians 1:6-9

Hearers of the Word:

I.         Foundation of the Past

II.        Faithfulness in the Present 
III.       Focusing on our Potential
a.  The principle of Imitation
                                               i.     Imitators of a servantsof God
                                             ii.     Imitators of the sonof God

b.    The principle of TransformationStatement of Truth:  The Gospel always changes people!

c.     The principle of Reproduction  

d.    The principle of Saturation

Doers of the Word:

1.      What is it that you tend to imitate?  

2.     Are you someone others can mimic?

3.     Pastor Steven said that, “The Gospel demands some things from our lives.”  
              What have you surrendered to God from your old ways?

4.     In what ways do you think that can you “make your mark” as examples for Christ?