Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Pastor on Politics

I really hate to get in a political game, but I find that drawing in my spirit to dialogue from time to time.  my problem is this: I sit in an office studying all day!  So, if nothing more, at least I can rant and rave, here to myself expressing myself the way I often do: with words!

I came across something this week that really, really disturbs me.  And it should you to regardless of the political glasses you wear.  According to retired Army Lieut. Colonel Robert Maginnis  the Obama administration has been meeting with the Muslim brotherhood in Egypt.

Should this surprise us?  I mean after all his actions are beginning to speak much louder than his words. Oh, but wait a minute, on the campaign trail 4 years ago he did say he had a Muslim faith… That's right i do remember, and then George Stephanopoulos corrected him to say his Christian faith.  However, his colors are shining brighter than ever before. (click the link to listen)

Why is this such a big deal?  The Muslim brotherhood is a group that helped Al Qaeda, Hamas, and lately has praised Iran's Hezbollah.  It has infiltrated into the United States with dozens of front organizations including the Council on American–Islamic relations, better known as (CAIR).

From what I can tell the goal of the Muslim brotherhood in Egypt is to turn Egypt into a Sharia compliant nation.  This would mean that Egypt would become a terrorist haven. Freedom would be destroyed, and the hope of human rights would be all but lost there.  

According to Maginnis this would have large regional and global impacts:  “Islamic law could radically transform the country’s trade arrangements, use of the strategic Suez Canal, and tourists visiting Egypt -- a main source of income -- could be required to abide by “Islamic principles, values, and laws.”   With our ever growing global economy, all we need is one more country taking a hit.

Furthermore a radical Islamist Egypt would realign their partnerships with Palestine, Syria, Lebanon, and Iran.  Therefore in so doing would become more and more hostile to Israel and most of the west.    An already difficult situation would be greatly aggravated, and the tensions in place would likely be unrestrained.

Maginnis also reports:  “Egypt’s military has contained the Islamists until the present.  There is little doubt that once the Islamists control Cairo they will purge that military and in the future Egyptian guns financed by U.S. taxpayers will be pointing at Americans, Israelis, and some will find their way into terrorist hands.”

According to this report last week a rocket was fired from Egypt’s Sinai desert and hit a southern Israeli resort city.  Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was concerned calling  the Sinai a “terror zone.” 

Still, I wonder why the representatives from the world’s largest Islamic supremist movement, Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood, met with National Security Council staff last?  Jay Carney, the White House Spokesman tried to spin it by saying it was because the group plays a “prominent role” in Cairo.   Really?  Give us a break!   We are doing nothing short of courting our enemies!  Does this president know what happens when we do such things?  Then again I'm not sure he cares.  I'm beginning to think He wants us to fall.   for the record with President Bush was in the oval office I had strong feeling against him too for courting the enemy at the White House.  

I do wonder just what was talked about in that meeting?   

Here is the deal for me:  When societies in human history say "no" to God, we have turned to tyrants in totalitarian type government leaders!  There has been a slow decay in our country since the second World War.  Do you see it?  I do.    Are you concerned for our future?  I am!   It has been evident, and clearly seen throughout human history that man is going to be subject to something! Consider what Paul said in Romans 6:12-13:   Therefore do not let sin reign in your mortal body so that you obey its evil desires.  Do not offer the parts of your body to sin, as instruments of wickedness, but rather offer yourselves to God, as those who have been brought from death to life; and offer the parts of your body to him as instruments of righteousness.

This is what we are called to do is it not?  We have been called upon to be instruments of right, goodness, and holiness!    Paul goes on in NIV Romans 6:14 For sin shall not be your master, because you are not under law, but under grace        and what happens when man will not surrender himself to God?  What happens in a society like ours that says God is dead, or that he doesn't exist at all, or that we don't need him to govern our affairs?  What happens to that kind of society?  Look at NIV Romans 6:16 Don't you know that when you offer yourselves to someone to obey him as slaves, you are slaves to the one whom you obey--…”

Just to whom have we made ourselves slaves? 

To read more on retired Army Lieut. Colonel Robert Maginnis' report:

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