Monday, November 5, 2012

Let not your voice be Troubled!

Unless your head has been stuck in the sand you know that tomorrow will be a very important day in the life of our nation.  In less than 24 hours people across our nation will head to the polls and cast a vote. 

Much has been made about this election and as I listen to some Christians I am concerned.  It is as if the evidence of their Christianity is found and whether or not they voted.  I believe the Christian life is more than casting a vote, and it's more than wearing a sticker.  And yes I believe it's more than listening to a  certain musical style, and it's so much more than just putting on a T-shirt.

One thing is clear we have a civil and spiritual responsibility to be good citizens. We must not only be good citizens in this land we call America but we must be good citizens of the most high King and his kingdom.  Yes we have a civil responsibility to vote but we also have a voice of voice that sometimes we fail to use.  I'm glad that I live in America even with all that's wrong with America we are still a great nation!

Yesterday I shared a message from Jeremiah.  If you missed it check it out simply look for the title "A Nation in Peril"
Jeremiah warns of a catastrophe to avoid, he warns the nation of Israel that time has run out, and as a weeping prophet he stands lamenting same this summer has passed and the harvest has ended.  The point was clear:  there is a point of return of return for a nation, a people, and he's society. 

I fear that we have become a people who are absence from God's house on God’s day, because like the nation of Israel we have our idols we hold onto.  We have abandoned our faithfulness, and we have surrendered our commitments.   Here is our attitude today:   “Sure preacher we will come to church and be faithful so long as nothing else interferes.”  I really think we need to be concerned that were so unconcerned.  It really is time for all this silly church membership stuff to stop.  We can no longer look at the church as if it's a club.  We can no longer consider our offerings simply dues to the organization.  It is time to pay wake up and listen to God and ignore him no longer.  This is the time to be serious. 

This is the time for red-hot believers to be on fire for the King!  Sure the truth is unpopular.  That has ever been?  Must stand for the unvarnished truths of God's word.  Besides, what's the worst they can do? Take our life? The Bible says to be absent from the body to be present with the Lord.  So if someone in this world takes my life because I'm a follower of Jesus Christ I'll be kicking of gold dust in heaven… Is that really a loss?

Below the only way we lose is if we sat in silence and if we are absent because of our apathy.    Many Christians today think the politicians have the answer, others think the counselor has the answer, or the psychiatrist has the answer.  But I'm telling you the answer does not come from our humanity, the answer for our problems come only from God himself!

And we need parents today who will teach their children right and wrong, we need parents who will stand even when it's unpopular to do so.  We need husbands to love their wives as has asked us to do has asked us to do.  We need wives to love their husbands and Scripture has asked us to do. We need to stand up and call sin, what it is: sin.  We need to point people to their only hope in that is Christ the Lord!

Whatever the outcome of this election, keep in mind that the hope of the kingdom of God does not rest in the backs of donkeys and elephants, but the hope of the world rest in Jesus Christ!

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