Thursday, April 28, 2016

Fight or Flight?

I have been working on a series of sermons regarding strongholds.  Over the course of several years my mind and heart has been convicted and convinced that until we deal with the strongholds in our life, we will never God truly working in our lives.

2 Corinthians 10:3-4  For though we live in the world, we do not wage war as the world does. The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds.

The problem is we always want to do what we do naturally.  We have a personal disposition  that if not balanced by the scripture and The Holy Spirit can become a stronghold in our life. The stronghold is always wanting to handle conflict, decisions, joy, persecutions,  suffering the same way.

for example in the area of conflict resolution, I tend to fight not flight. I used to think I had to resolve everything right then and there.   When conflict arose i said to my self:  “I need a resolution  and I need it right now!”    My mistake was I thought everyone should handle conflict the same way I did.  I confused my personality for God’s desire.  This made me an impatient leader, and it made me an unhappy leader.     But through my spiritual journey I see that was more reflective of my disposition and not God’s. 

What I have been uncomfortably forced to learn is this:  Sometimes things cannot be resolved.  Moreover,  instant resolution is not always best.  I know sounds crazy right?    My theme this year is the theme of love.    The highest law is love and sometimes the best thing is to leave it alone. 

What do you mean pastor?   Well sometimes the other person is not ready. What if for now it is better left alone.   What if you need more time to see your own faults?  What if waiting and praying and learning and loving sets the stage for a better resolution down the road?

So, here is where I am today in my thoughts concerning such things as this:  I would say resolve everything now as much as you can without violating the law of love. Yet sometimes there is wisdom in waiting.  The stronghold  for me was  fight.  Maybe the stronghold for you is is  flight.  either way we will not clearly see God and be like Him, we cannot fully know him until we give ourselves over the the divine power of God to do his work, His way and for His glory in our lives.

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