Sunday, November 12, 2017

Lay It Down 11-12-17AM Sermon Notes

Self In The Dirt:  Real Repentance
2 Corinthians 7:9-11
THEME:  For the followers of Christ to know there is no revival without biblical repentance.   

Define our Terms: Real repentance is life change granted by God impacting every area of our life. Repentance is feeling grief about our attitude, behaviors and actions toward a Holy God and doing something about it.  

Five Marks of Biblical repentance:

I. Grief over sin   v9-10 
A. Example of Abraham  in Genesis 18 
B. Example of Job in Job 42 
C. Example of Isaiah in Isaiah 6 

II.    Repulsion over Sin   v11
Means a strong displeasure to the thing once desired
“Oh, that I might be free of myself.” -  C.S. Lewis

III. Restitution toward others  v8-16
A.  Example of Zacchaeus in Luke 19 

REVIVAL REALITY:  Sometimes things cannot be made right.  However, as far as you can, you must try and leave the rest to God. 

IV.  Revival toward God
       What is revival?    Revival is renewed interest after  
        indifference or decline.

V.   Moving forward not looking back

On Your Own
This week study the following passages referenced today:

Acts 26:20; Luke 3:8; 2 Corinthians 7; Genesis 18; Job 42; Isaiah 6;  Luke 15:11-32; 

and Luke 19.

Questions to Consider:
1. When you come to church what is it that you want and desire?    Does that desire match with the people who came to God in the Bible?
2. When was the last time you saw yourself for who you really are before a Holy God?
3. DO I have an evidence of Godly grief over sin or worldly grief over sin?
4. Is there anything in your life that you feel grief over..?
5.  For repentance to be alive in your life what is it that you need to take responsibility for?
6. When someone will not respond to restoration how you do normally feel?
7.  In your life do you sense a need for a renewed interest in an area of declined righteousness? 
8.  In what ways do you need to move forward in faith and not look back?

In your own words describe what repentance is?

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