Tuesday, December 22, 2020

122720AM ODF SERMON NOTES Faith Over Fear

Faith Over Fear

Mark 4:35-41


Hearers of the Word:

Theme:  Every student learns very quickly what a test is. We also learn what the importance of a test is.  Every teacher knows the right test material will further instruct the student.  In God’s kingdom He tests his children too.  We should learn not to begrudge these tests but accept them as an affirmation that we might be are ready for the next chapter in life.


Point to Ponder:  
We must learn to exercise our faith over fear.


Statement of Truth:

While Satan temps you to do wrong. God will test you to make you strong.


Word Study:  There is a Greek word in verse 37 “lilac”.   Lilac is a fierce windstorm that disturbs and disrupts everything.


Statement of Truth:

They were in the storm while they were in the will of God.


I.                Three Types of Storms we face:

a.      There was the external storm

b.     There was an internal storm

c.      There was a spiritual storm

Statement of Truth:

You have to know who you are dealing with!


Doers of the Word:

1.      Describe the Lilac/Storm that you face today?

2.      What is your initial response to your lilac?

3.      Have you ever asked: Why God?   Have you ever accused God of not caring or being absent or asleep? Think through the hurt and trouble in your life.  {Hint:  Give an honest assessment of your emotional and mental battle.}

4.     Do you feel God cares for you?  Have you been tempted to lose your faith?   What would have to happen for you to understand that God really does have your best in mind?

5.      In what ways do you speak “christianese” to a world hurting around you?  Do you think they understand your heart?  What might we do or what are the things we can say differently to communicate the most important message of all time?








Tuesday, December 15, 2020


 The Magi’s Meaning

Matthew 2:1-11


Hearers of the Word:


Theme:  For the believer to have a greater understanding and appreciation for the wise men from the east. 


I.                Who Are These Magi?

a.     The Myths

b.     The Purpose:  

                                               i.     Worship

                                              ii.     King Makers

Keynote: The Magi were the king makers, and no one could become king unless they appointed them king.                 

II.             Jesus deserves Royal honor


III.            Jesus receives Royal honor


Doers of the Word:


1.       Explain in your own words the myths you have heard concerning the Magi?


2.      In your personal study this week study the magi.  Pay special attention to the biblical accounts of them.  Helpful studies include the journey, origins, and gifts.   These men provide the royal honor that is due Jesus.  

3.     In your personal study this week study Matthew 2.  Read also Jeremiah 39,  Daniel chapters 2, 4, 5 and 6.   Esther 1; Acts 8; Acts 13.

Wednesday, November 25, 2020

112920AM ODF SERMON NOTES A Theology of Christmas

 A Theology of Christmas

Philippians 2:5-11


Hearers of the Word:


Theme:  For each of us to embrace the real story of the birth of Christ and to make no mistake about the genuine significance of it. 


I.               He Abandoned A Sovereign Position v6


II.             He Accepted a Slave’s Place v7


III.             He Associated with Sinful People v7-8


IV.            He Adopted Selfless Posture V 8


V.             He Ascended a Supreme Prince v 9-11


Doers of the Word:


1.       Explain in your own words the condescension of Jesus Christ?


2.      In your personal study this week read 2 Corinthians 8:9. Consider the riches of Christ and what He gave up for your sake.  Write in your own words and knowledge exactly what Christ gave up  in surrender so that we might gain salvation?



2a.  How does that make you feel?

2b.  How should you respond in light of the condescension of Jesus Christ?

3.      In your personal study this week read John 15:20.   Pastor Steven taught us that Jesus came to earth and accepted a slave’s place. Jesus taught that his disciples are no better than the master. So, what does this say about your spiritual walk and goals as a follower of Jesus?


3a.  Are you growing as a servant of the Lord?

3b.  How can you approach a new year and give more than you get?  Can you lift your eyes and see what Jesus sees?

Sunday, November 8, 2020

110820AM ODF SERMON NOTES As IN The Days of Noah

 As In The Days of Noah

MATTHEW 24:36-51








Statement of Truth:  
While we cannot know the exact time we must be ready all the time


II.        Attitudes that hinder preparation for the Second coming

a.      Jesus warns against a cavalier attitude  v37-42


b.     Jesus warns against a careless attitude v43-44


Statement of Truth: 
Make sure you're ready by always being ready


c.      Jesus warned against a calloused attitude v 45-51


Dive Deeper:

As you study seek to answer the following:

 Summarize why you believe God has concealed the “day and hour” of Christ’s second coming. {see Matthew 24:36}

Go back and read Genesis chapter 6.  Pay special attention to verses 17 through 22.  

In terms of “what” and “when,” what did God tell Noah; and what did God not tell Noah? {verse 17}

What was Noah’s responsibility in light of what he was commissioned to do? {see verses 14-16}

What are some questions Noah might have had that went unanswered?

What two word phrase in Hebrews 11:7 describes what drove Noah, by faith, to prepare for the coming judgment?

Thursday, October 29, 2020

110120AM ODF SERMON NOTES The Parable of the Fig Tree

 The Parable of the Fig Tree 

MATTHEW 24:29–32


THEME:  Today, we will examine the parable of the fig tree and explore its meaning as Christ taught his disciples concerning his return.


I.                A CLEAR PICTURE TO BE _________________



II.              A CONCISE POINT TO BE _________________


Statement of Truth:  The generation that sees the __________ will see the ____________!



III.             A CONSISTENT PRINCIPLE TO BE _______________



IV.             A CERTAIN PROMISE TO BE _________________


Dig Deeper:

Did you know? The fig tree is the first plant mentioned by name in the Bible? Read Genesis 3:7. Adam and Eve sewed fig leaves together to create clothes to cover their nakedness.  Jesus was able to use the fig tree as a point of reference in this parable because growing all over the Middle East then and now were fig trees.


Number 1:  According to what Paul said to the church of Corinth in 1 Corinthians 2:14-15 what is required to be able to look at life and draw biblical conclusions?


Number 2: Why is the study of Scripture so important when it comes to drawing conclusions about the present and considering the future? What must we do to gain understanding in life? 
{Read Proverbs 2:2–3}


Number 3:  From whom does understanding ultimately come?  {Read Proverbs 2:7}

Friday, October 23, 2020


MATTHEW 24:29–32

Theme:  We will study the characteristics of Christ return and what that means to us.  

Statement of Truth:
Prophecy studied correctly will motivate us to live in this world






    a. Because Christ is coming again, we should refrain from judging other people
    b. Because he is coming, we can restore the bereaved
    c. Because the Lord is coming, we may commit ourselves to ministry
    d. Because the Lord is coming, we should remain steadfast
    e. Because he is coming, we can relate to one another in love
    f. Because he is coming, we should remember the Lord's table

Statement of Truth: 
 How foolish to judge one another when the judge himself is coming

Thursday, October 15, 2020

101820AM ODF Sermon Notes A Time of Trembling


A Time Of Trembling
Matthew 24:15-19 

Today’s Theme:  

The Tribulation period will be a time of great uncertainty, when the Antichrist will claim to bring peace to the world and will deceive nearly everyone into worshipping himself.


I.   THE EVENTS v15 &FF        


I.      The Destruction of Jerusalem

II.    The Anti-Christ and His Abomination 

III.   The Second Coming of Christ 

IV.   The Millennial Reign of Christ



     Great Urgency

     Get Out



     The Elect


Dive Deeper:   {For Personal Study}

Did You Know?

The Old Testament knew something of the precise eschatological events but these things are revealed more clearly in the New Testament?  God spoke of the coming Tribulation through the prophet Jeremiah, calling it “the time of Jacob’s trouble.”  Study this week Jeremiah 30:7.    Like many of the biblical prophecies, there was likely a “near” interpretation (meaning Judah being conquered by Babylon) and a “far” interpretation (meaning Israel’s judgment during the Tribulation)  “Jacob” is often used to refer to Israel as a nation in the Old Testament (Jeremiah 30:10).  Though Israel will suffer during the time of “trouble” not all will perish: see Romans 11:26.



Tuesday, October 13, 2020

101120AM ODF Sermon Notes The Worst Day Ever


Matthew 24:15-19

Today’s Theme:  A day is coming that is worse than any day the world has ever seen.  It is the worst day on earth.  


The “abomination that causes desolation” is a time when the nation of Israel will be forced to worship a pagan god.  Daniel first prophesied the day when it would occur in history, and  Jesus said, that a more complete version of that day is coming in the future.   

All the things Jesus spoke about in the first 14 verses have been precursors, a build up to the Great Tribulation.  In Verse 15, he speaks of an event that initiates the most awful period in the history of Israel. 

The word abomination is a Greek word which means “disgust” or “repulsion.”  In the scriptures, it is primarily used to describe things associated with idolatry or gross ungodliness.   In Hebrew this word often was used to refer to pagan rites and ceremonies.  

I.  THE ____________ THAT CAUSES ________________

People of Interest:

  • ______________ __________________
  • ______________ __________________
  • The Antichrist

II.  The New _______________________________

Current Issues:

  • No ___________________
  • No ___________________
  • The __________________

Dive Deeper:   {For Personal Study}

The Bible says one day the Jews {and everyone else left on earth} will be forced to worship the Antichrist.  When the Antichrist comes, how will he create abominations in the Temple there in Jerusalem?   Consider 2 Thessalonians 2:4…

  • If he acts “as God” in the Temple, how is that an abomination?  What does this suggest about the rebuilding of the Temple in Jerusalem during the tribulation?
  • Paul spoke of abomination in Romans 1:25.  How do these abominations compare?
  • Consider 1 Corinthians 6:18–20.  When you consider the themes of the “Temple”, “abomination”, and “God's presence” what does Paul seem to say to Christians concerning the lifestyle we should live?
  • Write for yourself a definition of “abomination”.
  • What kind of things might qualify as an abomination in the Christian's life given the definition of “abomination”?


Friday, October 2, 2020

092720AM ODF Protected Preachers

 Protected Preachers During the Tribulation

Matthew 24:14 + Revelation 7

I.  Who Are these Protected Preachers?

    A.  These witnesses are true jews

    B.  These witnesses are from the tribes of Israel   

II.  What Will These Witnesses Have?

    A.  Protection

    B.  Power

    C.   Promise

III.  What Will They Do?

    A.  They will preach the Gospel During the Tribulation


IV.  Who Will Be Left Out?

    See Paul 2 Thessalonians 2

Thursday, September 17, 2020

 The Future Tribulation

Mark 13:3-23 + Revelation 6, 8, 9, 11, & 16

Today’s Theme: Today as we study the Tribulation, Jesus gives a view of future history and John gives us great detail.  These are certainly days of trembling for those who will endure.

Statement of Truth:  

The Bible always corresponds to reality.

Three Sequences That John Saw:

  • The Seven Seals {Revelation Chapter 6 & 8}
  • Verse 2:
  • Verse 3:
  • Verse 5:
  • Verse 7:
  • Verse 9:
  • Verse 12:
  • Chapter 8:1:
  • The Seven Trumpets {Revelation Chapter  8, 9 & 11)
  1. Verse 7:
  2. Verse 8:
  3. Verse 10:
  4. Verse 12:
  5. Chapter 9:1:
  6. Verse 13:
  7. Chapter 11 Verse 15
  • The Seven Bowls {Revelation 16}
  1. Verse 2:
  2. Verse 3:
  3. Verse 4:
  4. Verse 8:
  5. Verse 10:
  6. Verse 12
  7. Verse 17:

Dive Deeper:   {For Personal Study}

One question every Bible student must decide is if these judgements found in Revelation are literal judgements?   You must decide that for yourself.  Clearly, I have my opinions. 

Question to Consider:

Are the judgments in Revelation literal judgements? 

The best way to decide if these judgements are literal or symbolic is to study them in connection with the plagues of Egypt.  {see Exodus 1-11}  There we see Moses performing the symbolic act of waving his rod over the waters of Egypt, which physically turn to blood.  In Revelation we see angels performing symbolic acts of blowing trumpets, and pouring out bowls.  Why should the result on the earth be less physical than the events in Moses’ day?  Note: also five of the plagues of Egypt are repeated in the book of Revelation.   No one suggests what happened in Egypt was not literal in its judgment; I suggest we can conclude that the same thing applies during the tribulation.