Faith Over Fear
Mark 4:35-41
Hearers of the Word:
Theme: Every student learns very quickly what a test is. We also learn what the importance of a test is. Every teacher knows the right test material will further instruct the student. In God’s kingdom He tests his children too. We should learn not to begrudge these tests but accept them as an affirmation that we might be are ready for the next chapter in life.
Point to Ponder:
We must learn to exercise our faith over fear.
Statement of Truth:
While Satan temps you to do wrong. God will test you to make you strong.
Word Study: There is a Greek word in verse 37 “lilac”. Lilac is a fierce windstorm that disturbs and disrupts everything.
Statement of Truth:
They were in the storm while they were in the will of God.
I. Three Types of Storms we face:
a. There was the external storm
b. There was an internal storm
c. There was a spiritual storm
Statement of Truth:
You have to know who you are dealing with!
Doers of the Word:
1. Describe the Lilac/Storm that you face today?
2. What is your initial response to your lilac?
3. Have you ever asked: Why God? Have you ever accused God of not caring or being absent or asleep? Think through the hurt and trouble in your life. {Hint: Give an honest assessment of your emotional and mental battle.}
4. Do you feel God cares for you? Have you been tempted to lose your faith? What would have to happen for you to understand that God really does have your best in mind?
5. In what ways do you speak “christianese” to a world hurting around you? Do you think they understand your heart? What might we do or what are the things we can say differently to communicate the most important message of all time?
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