Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Signs, C.S & the 2nd Coming

Most of us probably know of C.S. Lewis.  We know him for the great character in Chronicles of Narnia called Aslan The Lion.  His use of metaphors brilliant Hollywood has taken his great work and turned it into a major media production.   C.S. Lewis was scholar, author and apologist.

What I did not know about C.S. Lewis was that he cared about eschatology.  Here's a quote from an essay that he wrote:

“Many people find it difficult to believe in this great event without trying to guess its date, or even without accepting as a certainty the date that any quack or hysteric offers them.  To write a history of all these exploded predictions would need a book, and a sad, sordid, tragi-comical book it would be…Clearly no one wishes to say anything that will awaken such mass hysteria.  We must never speak to simple, excitable people about ‘the Day’ without emphasizing again and again the utter impossibility of prediction.  We must try to show them that impossibility is an essential part of the doctrine.  If you do not believe Our Lords’s words, why do you believe in His return at all?  And if you do believe them must you not put away from, utterly and forever, any hope of dating that return?  His teaching on the subject quite clearly consisted of three propositions: (1) That He will certainly return; (2) That we cannot possible find out when; (3) And that therefore we must always be ready for Him.”

Could it be possible that Jesus taught on his Second coming for this very reason alone? That we would live our lives every day ready for him to come?  Watch! Watch! Watch!

Journey with me at www.expectinganencounter.com this summer as we walk through the Signs of the Second coming.

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