Monday, November 25, 2013

The Greatest Threat to Thanksgiving

I did not finish my sermon yesterday, so I thought I'd write a few thoughts here that were on my mind yesterday.  If you were not there you might go and listen to the sermon from 11-24-13am titled The Great Threat to Thanksgiving.

James in chapter 4 verse 13 was talking about a persuit of wealth that leads to evil. There is a WEALTH THAT LEADS TO OBSESSIVENESS.  It becomes all we think about, and we have little regard for God, the lives of others or our own.

Then I spoke about a WEALTH THAT LEADS TO ADDICTIVENESS.  These thoughts were from the fifth chapter when James speaks about hoarding.   The attitude of hoarding is the evidence of an addictive behaviour. 

When there is a lack of thanksgiving in your life it leads to a wealth that leads to pervertedness!
Notice,  there is a deep digression here.  There is a perverted attitude that says I'm going to withhold from others.   I'm going to withhold the pay of laborers.  He was talking to society, he said you will see owners have command and hired people to mow your fields and their such an obsession with getting the next dollar that you don't pay the laborers who work for you.

You don't give them their salary.  

In the Old Testament there is a passage in Deuteronomy 24:14-15

When a man works for you we should pay them.  Makes no difference what is skin color or ethnic background is.  Be fair in your dealings with others.    You should give him his wages that day.   Very simply he is saying this:  If I am a Christian employee I should pay my people an honest wage for  an honest days work.  

Wealth can get a grip on us and we can become so obsessed with it, we  say I can withhold here, or pay less there and that will mean more for me!

Look at James 5:5. 

There are verbs here that describe  wasting,   How much will be wasted in our homes this week?  Will you waste anything?  Good chance we will.    We will throw away food even tonight. 

That is where we are as a nation.  We do it and do not even think about it...  we have  fattened our hearts, and we are like a fatted cow ready for the slaughter.   I mean Happy Thanksgiving! Right?

 But James says that is essentially the way you're living life!  And the whole issue is this:  we are discontent as a people.   We are so discontent because of what we don't have, and because of what someone else does have there's nothing left in us to be joyful over.  And you say what is the answer to that?  

1 Timothy 6:6 
But godliness with contentment is great gain.

Seek to be content.    Be content with a clothes that you have be c content with the food that you eat.  Our problem as a nation is we are not content.  

Hebrews 13:5
Keep your lives free from the love of money and be content with what you have, because God has said, "Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you."

The bottom line is simple: God will take care of your needs.   So today,  I want to take a time out from our lives, and let us give thanksgiving to God for the good things he has given to us!  Take time for the challenging times he has given us!  In Everything He is God and worthy of our praise.  We need to enjoy what we have and be thankful for what God has given us!

Just remember: When a nation becomes governed by greed, Thanksgiving becomes a casualty.  {AND} When Thanksgiving becomes a casualty discontent will rule the nation.

Sunday, November 24, 2013

11-24-13 Notes

James 4:13

Statement of Consideration:
When a nation becomes governed by greed, Thanksgiving becomes a casualty.  When Thanksgiving becomes a casualty discontent will rule the nation.


A.  Determination

B. Transportation

C.  Destination

D.  Suscitation


Question for Consideration:

Can I trust God in all that I am and all that I have?

Wealth that leads to  Pervertedness

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Sermon Notes 11-17-13AM

Demolishing Strongholds Wk5
2 Corinthians 10: 3-5
         {IBC;  November 17, 2013 AM}

Theme:  Understanding that the battleground is often in our minds


Key Words:

  • Rationalizing
  • Justifying
·      Minimizing our Behavior.
  • Blame

“Temptation is Satan looking through the keyhole of my life and desiring to come in. Sin is opening the door and inviting or allowing him in.” – Johnny Hunt

Statement of Truth:
To find freedom, many are willing to do something, but few are willing to do what it takes 

Thank you for studying the Wor of God.   As we join our hearts today, we lift up the name above every name!   Most of us think that strongholds are physical in nature.  Paul makes clear that a stronghold is a mindset of unbelief (s) that exalts itself over God and keeps you from reaching your potential in God in every area of your life.     Today we seek to tear down the strongholds in our lives.

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Sermon Notes 111313WED

Philippians 4:7-8
Thoughts that Transform Us
November 13, 2013

Statement of Truth:
Truth is easier to retain than it is to release. Only when it is released do I find real freedom.

A.     INWARD tools God has given to us:
1.     “Pureness” – morally clean; life and motive
2.     “Knowledge’ – comprehension of God’s truth and His ways
3.     “Long-suffering” – patience with difficult people; enables one to avoid retaliation when opposed.

B.     OUTWARD tools God has given us:
1.     “Kindness” – goodness put in action
2.     “In the Holy Spirit” – empowers for effective service
3.     “Genuine Love” – genuine and sincere love
4.     “The Word of Truth” – the message from God which was the basis for all of Paul’s ministry; all His promises
5.     “Power of God” – divine energizing which lifts the labors of the ministry above mere human effort
6.     “Armor of Righteousness” – spiritual armor for ever sort of struggle; defensively and offensively; sword – shield gave complete protection against the enemy’s assault






Quotable?  “If a person once lets his thoughts wander down some impure path, hidden legions joyfully emerge and stampede, pushing the mind into all kinds of sin.”
-John Phillips