Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Thoughts that Transform Us

In Ephesians 4, Paul listed some of the strongholds; land we gave up that needs to be reclaimed and this battleground has to do with our thought life!     Our thoughts are so important.     I am in the midst of a study on strongholds.  It has led me to further study the thoughts we think and how these thoughts impact us so deeply.   Briefly consider what the Apostle Paul says in Ephesians 4, and then follow the two sermon series called Strongholds and Thoughts that Transform.

Intellectual Foolishness (4:17-18) – futility of their minds, understanding darkened It means that no discernment or wisdom is found within them.    They are alienated from the life of God.  Heaven seems as brass.  Blindness of their heart has deceived them.  Why?  Because of futile thoughts!

Greed and Impurity (4:19, 22) – speaks of uncleanness.   No longer are they bothered by the filth of society.   They have become insensitive to the sinful ways not only of others but themselves.  Deceitful lusts have become their obsession.  Discrete and impurity has led them with an understanding appetite for evil.

Dishonesty (4:25) – (the idea is one of lying)
Paul basically says to the church stop lying!   Stop it, right here, right now!   It has no place in the Christian's life or heart.    Satan wants to get into the area of deceit and if he can get you to lie, he can build a stronghold in your life!

Uncontrolled Anger – (4:26)
Paul warned against a bad temper and unjustified anger.   Anger can truly be a stronghold.  There is anger, which is righteous anger. See Mark 3:5 John 2:13-17.  As followers of Christ are anger must be that of righteous indignation, and not an expression of personal pride, were sinful motives.  Notice how quickly a stronghold can develop:  “ not let the sun go down while you're still angry.”  This speaks volumes to me concerning the need to swiftly deal with our thoughts in a godly manner.

Unforgiving Spirit -(4:26, 32) - wrath (also note 2 Cor 2:10-11)
He says that our anger can move from just being upset to a settled wrath and it can do so in a hurry.  The only remedy we possess is to be kind to one another and tenderhearted to one another in forgiveness just as Christ has been to us.  Forgiveness is a fundamental Christian virtue because it can destroy the enemy's foothold.

Stealing (4:28) –
Instead of robbing others for the fruit of their labor, Christians are to work for their own living.  Paul’s point is simple:  You should work so you can give to the needy!  Do you know why there are so many needy people around us?  Why are there so many needy people in our community and world?  It is because the church of Jesus Christ is so stingy.  {Did I just write that?}

Laziness (4:28)
The Christian is never to be ashamed or afraid of hard work; it is the duty of all of us.   The Christian motive for earning is not merely to have enough for oneself and one's own family. We should not work merely for our own comforts and luxuries, but to have in order to give to the needy.   Christian philosophy of labor is lifted far above the thought of what is right and fair in the economic world is listed as the place was no room for selfishness for the motive for personal profit of all.   Giving becomes the motive for getting.

When you give place to the devil the devil will enslave you with a stronghold.     The devil wants to so blind you that you think you are doing very well, all he wants is one place of operation in your life and he will take it knowing that one day all the other territory will fall. 

Satan builds a fortress, a pattern of thinking that only the power of Jesus and the blood of Jesus can overcome.

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