As a boy Robert Louis Stevenson who one day would be a novelist,
poet, and writer was intrigued by the work of the old Scottish lamplighter who
went about with a ladder and a torch, setting the street lights ablaze for the
night. One evening, his parents heard him exclaim, "Look, look! There is a man out there punching holes in the
With one statement of childish wonder, Robert Louis Stevenson
summed up the life of the Lord Jesus Christ. That statement should also sum up our work as
a believer. In John 9 Jesus saw a man
who was blind from birth. In verse 5
Jesus makes that profound statement: “ I am the Light of the world.”
There are three amazing truths that stand out. First, the misery of the sightless man is
clearly seen. All around us people are
in the dark and misery abounds. This man was spiritually bankrupt and
hopelessly in the dark. The sad reality
is today there are many all around us who are in the misery of darkness.
Second, notice the ministry of a sovereign master. Jesus not only exposed this man to physical
light, but he also began to lead him through a series of events that brought
him face-to-face with who Jesus really was.
It is important that we bring people physical light, but being able to
see with physical eyes is never enough. Helping him see spiritual truth was the goal.
When God is working it is important to keep in mind that He may
not be through. This man receives his sight, he moves from
darkness into light, but the story was in no way over. The Pharisees in their religious correctness had
a way of smothering Jesus, but that did not stop Jesus from working.
Third, in this passage is the message of the supernatural
miracle. In verse 35 of this chapter the
Jews cast out this man, but Jesus went looking for him. Jesus was the light that shined brightest,
Jesus was the light that was seeking, and Jesus was a light that was
saving. We must be people who join
together seeking to punch holes in the darkness with the greatest light of all:
The Gospel!
What can we do to personally “punch holes” in
the dark world around us?
In what ways are we tempted to stop when God is
not through working?
In what ways can we seek to help others “see”
spiritual truth that is life transforming?