Tuesday, January 14, 2014

What does the Image of God mean?

I spoke this past Sunday morning from the book of Genesis chapter 1: 26 - 27.  I was talking about being made in the image of God.  You are free to download the sermon from iTunes entitled Can You Handle the Truth? 

I did not finish that sermon wanted to share some of my thoughts concerning what it means to be in the image of God.

There are three words I want us to think about today:

1.         Relational  - The truth is you can have a relationship with God!  Humans are the only creatures on the earth that can have a relationship with the creator! 

How wonderful is that?  He made you to enjoy  - you were made for a relationship with the almighty!  There was a part of us that was made for God and we are seeking to know God.    I believe that you and I were made for a relationship with God and until you have a relationship with the one who created you,  life does not make sense.   You get to have a relationship with a creator himself!  What a privilege.   No animal has that opportunity, no animal has that privilege but you do!

2.         Rational -   I believe that to be created in the image of God means that we have the ability to reason.   God in Scripture gave man the ability to reason.  You can think through circumstances  and  make decisions based upon your thinking.  

Animals do not have that that ability.   Animals have instincts, and they have learned and conditioned behavior but they do not have rational thinking.  If animals had  reason the watering hole in Africa would look different.  They would understand that these lions were hunting them and they would not go down to drink until those lions were dealt with. 

3.         Responsible – Maybe you have never thought about it, but out of all of God’s creation to be made in the image of God means we bear responsibility.  We bear responsibility to God and to others.   In verse 26 it says we are to have Dominion over the things of the earth. 

In verse 28 and following God talks about the  Dominion he gave humans again.  I want you do listen to me very carefully:   I am not saying go home and hug a tree.   I am not a tree hugger, but I do believe that God has created us to have dominion over this Earth and one day we will give an account for what we have done to this earth. 

We were given the responsibility to take care of this world around us!   We are responsible not only for this world but we are also responsible for our decisions.   How we treat one another, what we do with Jesus Christ, God’s gift to us.    So to be made in the image of God is to understand our responsibilities. 

That is a brief overview of what I was going to share this past Sunday morning I hope it helps as you think through what it means to be created in the image of God.

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