Friday, October 14, 2016

What is Fruit?

I've been preaching a series on fruit.  Emphasizing the need to have and produce fruit.

Keep in mind biblically speaking the answer is not phrased in the plural.   We are not talking about the fruits of the Spirit.   We are talking about the fruit of the Spirit.     

If you go into a supermarket,  and walk down the produce aisle,  you can select broccoli,  and lettuce,  cucumbers.   You might want a  tomato,  and a squash.    However, you might not want a pepper,  kumquat,  or  brussels sprouts. 

The point is this: you can select what fruit you want to put in your buggy.   In God’s economy, the fruit is just that all one big gift.   You don’t get to choose which ones you grow.    

If you are developing Christian character than you will be developing Christian fruit.

The goal of our Christian life is Christ likeness,  and if that is true then the traits we develop reflect HIS character.   In Galatians chapter 5 versus 22 and 23 Paul describes the fruit of the Spirit in nine terms. 

Peter encourages the development of seven characteristics of the fruit of God.  {See 2 Peter 1:5-8}

Two of these terms are common in both list:   love and self-control

The other characteristics that are mentioned  are joy, peace, long-suffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, meekness, virtue, knowledge, endurance, godliness, and brotherly love.

 Peter is bold when he tells us that if these qualities are yours,  and if these qualities are increasing,  if they are growing,  then they will keep you from being ineffective.   In fact Peter says that they will keep you from being unfruitful  in your Christian life.  

If we lack the roots we will never expect to grow  on fruit,  and if we fail to grow fruit than we are nearsighted, blind, and have forgotten that we have been cleansed from sin.

Peter says be careful then that you are diligent,  and he gives us an amazing promise:  If we practice these qualities we will not fail.

Paul on the other hand contrast the fruit of the Spirit to the workings of the flesh.

The works of the flesh lead to destruction.  we become one with the devil.  However, the fruit of the Spirit leads us to be one with Christ!

If you want to change your conduct than change your character.   Right character will produce right conduct.   Who you are and who you become will cause you to act in certain ways.

Today,  I want to bring you to a point of decision.   

I want to ask you is there evidence of fruit in your life?   If not, you need to seriously back up and ask why.   Have you received the word of God’s Kingdom?   Are you seeking to grow roots in the word of God, the kingdom of God?    Those are decisions only you can answer. 

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