Wednesday, August 15, 2018

081218 Sermon Notes 1 Thing WK1: Worthy Of the Gospel

Hearers of the Word:
Just One Thing
Philippians 1:27-30

Theme:  For the believer to know and understand that trusting Jesus Christ is not the finish line but rather the starting line.  

Statements of Truth
   *  The Gospel has expectations for each of us.
*  Regardless of the state of the messenger the message is the same.

Question to Consider:
This week was your conduct worthy of the Gospel of Christ?

Statement of Truth:
Imperatives without accountability does not bring about transformation.

Doers of the Word:

  1. In Red River parish this week was your conduct worthy of the Gospel of Christ?  If not, what needs to be confessed and what changes do you need to make this week?
  2. Standing firm is an important theme in Paul’s writings.  Could it be that every generation is faced with certain battles that tempt us to give up kingdom advancements?   What you yo think God is calling our church to do in our parish to help believers to stand firm yielding only to a Gospel worthy life?
  3. In what ways can you stand side by side with those across the aisle for faith in unity? 
  4. In what ways do you think that the evil one has influenced your thinking?  What will you do to correct it and bring it under the control of The Mind of Christ?

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