Hearers of the Word:
Unity Is the Basis of Worthiness
Just One Thing wk2
Philippians 1:27-30
Theme: For the hearer to know and understand that living a life worthy of the Gospel is the one thing that unites us in mission and mind. Therefore, we must stand firm!
Statement of Truth:
Imperatives without accountability does not bring about transformation.
- A Call to Stand Firm {a verb indicating continual action in the present tense}
- We are to be United in Mission
- We are to be united in Mind
- We are to be united in gospel hostility
Doers of the Word:
- Was your life consistent with the gospel of Christ this week? Did you stand firm both in mission and ministry?
- What do you perceive is the greatest hostility toward your faith? Does it threaten your Gospel consistency?
- If standing firm requires you to die daily because you do not possess the strength necessary in your flesh, in what ways are you still holding on? What do you need to let go of and give to Christ?
- We need each other. How committed are you to the local church? What keeps you from being more involved? What do you need to change if you want to see to be more like minded in ministry?
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