Sunday, March 29, 2015

032915AM Sermon Notes

Questions Concerning Satan 
Job 23:10

Six Questions Concerning Satan:

Question Number One:  How can the temptation of Jesus be real if he could not sin?

Question Number Two:  Can a Christian be demon possessed?

Question Number Three:  When is it appropriate for a believer to bind a demon or to cast it out?

Five False Approaches
1.      Find it and Bind it
2.     When in doubt, cast it out
3.     Hocus-pocus there is no focus
4.     Violence
5.     Territorial spirits

Question Number Four:  What is the relationship between demonic activity and sickness?

Question Number Five:  What is the role of Angels in Spiritual warfare?

Question Number Six:  What is the Key to Victory?


  1. I would have loved to have heard your sermon.

  2. Hey Mike I can send you a CD, DVD or you can listen online... I will post it later today. here is the link:

  3. Let me know if you want me to mail you the cd or DVD
