Sunday, December 20, 2015

122015 AM Sermon Notes

A Late Christmas Gift  
Matthew 2:11 + John 19:39

Theme: The scripture again reveals the truth that Christmas is about a baby that was born in a cradle that He might die on a cross.

I.               The Bible has much to say concerning sin.
a.     The cruelty of sin.

Statement of Truth:
Religion cannot change your heart

B.  The curse of sin.

Statement of Truth:
The God who Promises to deliver you from eternal misery will sustain you from whatever misery you have to go through in this life.

C. The course of sin.

II.              The Bible has much to say concerning prophecy.

Statement of Truth:
God knows all things because He planned all things.

III.            The Bible has much to say concerning courage.

a.     Two men are given courage:
                                               i.     Joseph of Arimathea
                                             ii.     Nicodemus
b.    What drove them out of the darkness and into the light? 

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