Thursday, March 5, 2020

030820AM ODF Sermon Notes Faithfulness Produces Fruitfulness

Faithfulness Produces Fruitfulness
Matthew 13:23
Hearers of the Word:

4 Kinds of Ground:
  1. The Hard Ground
B.   The Stony Ground  
C.  The Thorny Ground

Statement of Truth: 
The problem with this soil is not the hardness of heart, and it is not the stones, but the issue of this heart is that the space to be planted is already occupied!  

Study notes:  Cross reference “cares” in verse 22 with “worry or anxious” in Matthew Chapter 6:25

D.  The _________ Ground  

Life lesson:
_________ is the product of _________

Doers of the Word:
In response to the study today personally reflect on these questions:

  1. What are the worries of your life that choke out the fruits of the Gospel?
  2. Is your life growing good roots?  Is your life producing fruit? What re you doing right now to cultivate good soil in your heart so that you can produce all the fruit God designed you too?
  3. Do you have patience and grace with others around you who are not that same as you?  In what ways can you be more gracious to brothers and sisters who are on a different degree of knowledge, application or surrender?

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