Thursday, June 4, 2020

060720AM Dangers of the Drift ODF Sermon Notes

Dangers of the Drift
Hebrews 2:1-4

Today’s Theme: Being a Christian is serious business, not a sour business.  We must not neglect our great gift, lest we get left in the drift.  This is a passage picturing the believer being stationary and the river flowing and passing a person by.

  1. A Question that Deserves Discussion v 3-4
How shall we escape if we neglect such a great salvation?

  1. A Statement  That Deserves Disclosure v 2-3a
    A.  Sins of  Commission
B.  Sins of Omission
  1. An Answer that Deserves Defining v 1
How does a believer drift away? The word drift means to slip, to flow like a river.  The verb is passive.  

A.  Drift:  Flow like a River
The picture is not of a Christain drifting away as we often think of, but rather it is a  picture of a follower of Jesus being stationary and the River flowing on and passing you by.

McAbee translation:   I must be careful not to neglect or drift in my walk with God lest at any time we should be flowed by.

If you are standing still then you are not going with God and you are being left behind.

Point to Ponder:
God’s great salvation is like a mighty flowing river and a Christain can get his feet wet in that river or he can go beyond the shallow water to the depths of his salvation and into the fullness of it.  In so doing,  we can be swept away by the grace and mercy of GOD!

B.  Drift:  To Slip Past

Questions to Consider
How does a believer drift away?

Have you ever felt like your faith is passing you by?

Are you different today than you were a year ago?

Are you ready for a normal Christain life?  Or are you settled with the status quo?

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